The Lazy Bloggers Post

Peter Pan! I just got hit on the head and recalled that I have not updated this since they invented sliced bread… You would not believe my anguish at my misdoings. Cheers Mate..

I am distracted with silk ropes, rock crushing, just generally being a biatch to the bodyguards of the blogger I am stalking, my day is a magical flight from the second I am woken by murderous Teletubbies to I run out of alcohol. I am convinced that I absolutely deserve this after all my hard work. but this damned rock is heavy.

I absolutely, positively promise I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. What? Seriously?.

Via plokblogThe Lazy Bloggers Post Generator.

Britain’s Got Talent – det må man sige!

Nu har jeg jo ikke for vane, at poste tonsvis af youtube-videoer her på bloggen. Men engang i mellem, falder man over noget, som man simpelthen bare må dele med alle andre.

Og det skete i dag. jeg faldt over denne meget imponerende video på Digg. Det er en optræden i det britiske talentshow “Britain’s Got Talent” – som DR forresten starter i DK til efteråret – og uden at røbe for meget, kan jeg vist godt sige, at det er meget overraskende og underholdende!

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