3D Mailbox

Do you find dealing with email boring? Would your day be brighter if your email was rendered as characters in a SecondLife style universe, complete with spam eating sharks? Were you dropped on your head as a child? Introducing 3D Mailbox. #

Sådan indleder TechCrunch et indlæg om programmet 3D Mailbox, et program som tilsyneladende laver din e-mail-indbakke om til en 3D-verden… For det giver jo mening…

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Conservapedia – WTF?

Tjek dette:

Homosexuality is an immoral sexual lifestyle between members of the same sex. It is more than simply a sexual act, it is going beyond the boundaries that God has setup for marriage; one man and one woman. #


Homosexuality can refer to a sexual orientation, or simply sexual behavior and/or sexual attraction between people of the same sex. When describing a sexual orientation, it refers to enduring sexual and romantic attraction toward others of the same sex, but does not necessarily involve sexual behavior. #

Hvor retarderet har man lov at være?!?

Layoutet i ZENcast Organizer er fugly

Som tidligere nævnt lytter jeg til en del forskellige podcasts, og da jeg har en Creative musikafspiller (som jeg dog har præsetret at ødelægge) bruger jeg Creatives podcast-værktøj kaldet ZENcast Organizer.

Den seneste udgave indeholder et par ændringer, bl.a. synes jeg at det er blevet mere stabilt på Windows Vista -og det er jo rart. Men anyway, dette indlæg er ikke skrevet for at kommenterer på alle de nye features.

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