in Software

Softwareanbefaling: ColorDetective

Jeg beklager at denne uges softwareanbefaling blev en smule forsinket pga. påsken pinsen. Men nu er den her.

I denne uge handler det om programmet ColorDetective, som er et Windows-program, der gør det nemt at finde en farves hex-kode.

Grundlæggende minder ColorDetective meget om Firefox-udvidelsen ColorZilla. Fordelen er dog at ColorDetective virker i alle programmer, i modsætning til ColorZilla.

ColorDetective giver forskellige muligheder for at finde hex-koder. Der findes en color picker, så du kan pege på lige nøjagtig den farve du vil, eller du kan bruge det klassiske Windows farvevindue. Programmet kan også vise dig de websikre farver.


ColorDetective udvikles ikke mere, og det officielle site er for længst gået bort. Men for efterhånden lang tid siden tillod jeg mig at hoste programmet her på sitet. Så her er et download-link.

Se flere softwareanbefalinger.

  1. Hvis påsken er grunden til forsinkelsen, så er du godt nok sent ude :o

    Desværre kan det ikke installeres på Vista x64, så jeg må desværre nøjes med ColorZilla :(

  2. Bruger selv programmet ColorPic som jeg har skrevet en “anmeldelse/anbefaling” af her.

    Dette program behøver ikke engang installation, og man bruger markøren på skærmen tila t finde den farve og hex-kode, man har lyst til. Kan godt anbefales :)

  3. Tak Kim! Det ser da ud til at være et ganske lækkert program! Endda bedre end ColorDetective måske! Det skal da lige prøves.

  4. Hi, I am the developer of ColorDetective II – a long time ago in 2001! It’s great to see it’s still in use somewhere! Thanks for your comments.

    I have no plans to write it for a more modern environment, but could be persuaded if there were sufficient need. I haven’t researched the market but assume there are many apps like it around, so it probably wouldn’t be worth it.

    It may not work on Vista 64-bit, but it does work fine on Vista 32-bit. I showed it to my son for the first time a few weeks ago (he’s 12 years old, now, so he was only about 4 when I wrote it).

    I still use it occasionally – that’s why I found your blog as I was looking to install it on a PC at work and googled for it!

    Best regards,


  5. Hi Ken, cool to hear from you! It’s actually fun to think about the age of the program, I’ve been using it forever (it feels like), probably since 2001 or at least the early 2000’s. I got it from a magazine CD Rom, and I loved the program so much that I just kept using it, without browsing “the market”.

    Even though there are alternatives I think I’ll still be using Color Detective, because of it simplicity and ease of use :).

  6. Hi, Soren,

    Thanks for the comments. I wrote a version called ColourDetective in the mid-90’s for the Macintosh (I was originally a Mac developer). When I moved to developing for Windows, I rewrote it from scratch using C++ Builder – it has essentially the same functionality as the original Mac version.

    I renamed it ColorDetective as Americans can’t spell properly and complained they couldn’t find it or its website via search engines. The website is now defunct.

    I couldn’t find anything around at the time to do what I wanted, so wrote the app to do just exactly what I wanted – no more, no less.

    I thought about extending it in a new version a year or so after I first released ColorDetective II, but work, family, laziness, etc. put a stop to that!

    Best regards,


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